il blog della caseri

Proviamo a tenere un blog/diario online, e vedere se riesce ad attirare (e mantenere) l'attenzione di, la mia compresa!

venerdì, settembre 23, 2005

¡hola! qué pasa?
aquí todos bien! I really like the weather here in Malaga... it's so perfect and even better if I think that right now in Italy is already full autumn season, with foggy and rainy days!

and here there's a crazy night life! La movida loca de Málaga! ahahha it's not that easy though to get used to this Spanish life-style!
every daily actions is post-poned here!
lunch at 3 pm, siesta, dinner at 10 pm or later, and going out with friends at 12 or 1 am!
Friday night my friend and I first met for a drink at my place and then went out at about 1 am... as they say here, fuimos de copa, y luego a bailar! hasta las 6 de la madrugada!
I was so tired, cuz that same day,Friday morning, I had to wake up at 6 am to go to work, so I'd been around 24 h !! well, of course saturday I spent most of the day sleeping!!

anyway, I am also studying these days, cuz I'll have to go back to Italy on Sept. 29th, and take the Spanish exam at my university... I'll be there only for the weekend and be back in Malaga on Sunday, 2nd Oct.
then, from October I'll start to really enjoy my staying in Spain and do some travelling... there are so many things to see here in Malaga and through all the Andalucìa region!!

yesterday I went for the first time to visit the Alcazaba, here in Málaga... it's really nice... and I still have to go and see the Picasso's museum, Malaga is his born-town...