il blog della caseri

Proviamo a tenere un blog/diario online, e vedere se riesce ad attirare (e mantenere) l'attenzione di, la mia compresa!

mercoledì, maggio 03, 2006

Branko oggi dice che...

Anche in amore, basta con la felicità a rate! Arriva nel segno una splendente, luminosa e appassionata Venere, nemmeno Marte vi potrà fermare nelle conquiste! Sposatevi, in fondo siete dei sentimentali, legati alla casa e alla famiglia. Auguri!

lunedì, maggio 01, 2006

The big news for you happens on Wednesday of this week when Venus, the planet of love and romance, moves into your sign for its annual four-week journey through Aries. During this extremely favorable period that begins this Wednesday, you are asked to wipe the slate clean (=to forget about what has happened and make a fresh start) with regard to your romantic life. Now is your chance to let go of old relationships, cycles, habits, and potential partners that no longer work for you. Stop continuing on the same path while expecting different results. This is your time to start fresh. When you let go of the old, you will inevitably make room for your true soul mate to enter in to your life. Overall, the four-week transit that begins this Wednesday is the luckiest time of the entire year for you with regard to love. Your heart and mind will be linked - your feelings will be clear. With such strong focus, you will be able to plant any seed you like and enjoy the magic as your wildest dreams come true.